Knit One Purl Two With JoAnna

JoAnna has been sharing her love of knitting with the Fabricate Studios students since the fall of 2015, and has been knitting since she was just 8 years old. She also loves crafting in general, and has been crafting for as long as she can remember.

If you want to learn how to knit, JoAnna is your go-to girl. Join the fun in the studio so you can knit one purl two with JoAnna!

Knit one Purl two with JoAnna


JoAnna Q&A – Knit One Purl Two

What is your craft of choice?

At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
Purl Soho in NYC

Knit one Purl two with JoAnna
Beautiful yarns JoAnna was showing off at a knitting brunch!

Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
JoAnna Makes a U-Turn

What was your favorite toy as a kid?
Burt and Ernie Puppets

Can you play any instruments? If so, which ones?
I played percussion in band in junior high and piano for years.

Knit one Purl two with JoAnna
Fun with friends!

What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
I think there is a container with something in it from Christmas dinner… (Anyone wondering what it could be?)

What is your favorite cereal?
Honey Nut Cheerios

What was the worst punishment you received at school?
I had to ride in the front of the bus for an entire school year.

What’s the strangest talent you have?
I am the second best liar in Nebraska…or am I? (Well, she sure has us wondering!)

Knit one Purl two with JoAnna
JoAnna and her wife Kate

What was your childhood nickname?

Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?

What, or who, are you a “closet” fan of?
Marvel Comic Books

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
Start a non-profit/foundation, see the Gallapagos, be a guest on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

Knit one Purl two with JoAnna
Leading a bunch of knitters at Fabricate Studios

Is there anything else you’d love to know about JoAnna?

Follow JoAnna on Instagram to see photos of some of her creations, like the amazing knitting block quilt and a picture of a chicken with a hat!
